Firstly sorry for the lack of posts recently I have been neglecting the site lately due to been very busy. I would love to be able yo sit and write a post at least once a week but I’m sure most of you reading this can appreciate that going to work and making money has to come first. On a brighter note The Locksmith World now has over 250 subscribers which for a little blog written by me is crazy! So thank you to all subscribers old and new it’s much appreciated. Feel free to share the site with your Locksmith friends and on social media to help grow even more subscribers. So let’s get to it!
As we all know this trade is rammed with scammers, cowboys, odd job men and national company’s which give us all a bad name and all have an impact on our profits and yearly turnover. Today I read a particularly interesting article over on Search Engine Journal. It would seem that Google are starting a big crack down on Locksmith scammers at last. The crack down is targeting Google maps/places listing and Adwords accounts. Anybody currently listed on Google maps will already know you have to go through a small verification process to prove your business is located where you say it is. This is done by sending a verification notice to the address containing a code which you then enter into your Google My Business page and that’s it all done.
The new verification process will involve answering questions on a form provided by Google and also a third party verifying company. The process is supposed to be quick and simple and will effect existing listings and new fresh listings. It appears that this is starting in San Diego. I have read a lot in the past about Locksmith scams in the United States where unlicensed locksmiths are trading fraudulently and ripping off customers of hundreds of dollars. Obviously it would be great for them if they could get rid of these scammers!
But what about us in the U.K.? As you all know we do not need to be liscensed to trade as locksmiths in the U.K. So how would Google get scammers out of there listings over here? The process seems to be aimed purely at the U.S and I haven’t seen any mention of it moving to the U.K. If it does come into force over here maybe they will be able to weed out the people spamming Google with fake address as hopefully the verification process will find a better way of stopping the address fraud and company’s having loads of listings with different addresses but in my opinion it’s not going to get rid of national company’s over charging or Bob the odd job man making a complete mess of a job. I believe the only way we can do that is by liscencing locksmiths in the U.K and making it illegal to trade without the corect documents and training/exams. Find out more about the verification process in this Google Help Article
Would like to here your thoughts and opinions on this one?
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