GJ Securefast Decoder

A belated merry Christmas and a Happy new year to everbody! Hope everybody managed to get a break from locksmithing at some point over the holidays and have a little bit of a rest.

Another tool review for you this month. This time it’s another tool from GJ Locks, the new securefast decoder. I got fed up with drilling securefast on metal gates, in my area there are billions of metal grills covering main doors of which 90% have securefast either old blue or the newer black securefast. Ok so not quite billions but there are a lot in certain areas of the city. They are pretty straight forward on the left side but obviously you don’t want to be breaking bolt tails when drilling on the right hand side on metal grills were every hole will be visible afterwards.

I ordered my decoder pretty early on after it was released, I had been thinking about getting the securefast decoder from safe ventures before the GJ decoder was available but by the time I decided to buy one the GJ decoder had been released so I had a choice to make between the two. What persuaded me to go with the GJ one was the new concept of using milled brass pieces for the make up key instead of the traditional pin type make up keys.

In the kit you get a make up key, milled brass pieces for the make up key, and with mine a set of reader keys because mine was one of the earlier versions. Now the kit is supplied with a clicker which will read the lever heights more efficiently and more accurately. I still haven’t got around to buying the clicker to replace the reader keys but from what I have seen it looks very nice and well made but I can’t comment on what it’s like to use.

Secure fast decoder

Since purchasing my decoder I have opened quite a lot of securefast in practice on the bench and three on actual jobs. All have opened fairly easily and in a short space of time. The clicker will be a welcomed addition to the kit though because the reader keys originally supplied can be a little bit tricky to read the lever angles with and some locks I have had to read a few times in order to get the correct read. The clicker should read with pin point accuracy first time every time. When I purchase the clicker I’ll do a brief post about it or maybe just a quick update to this post.

The quality and finish of this tool is exceptional and the concept of using the brass pieces is awesome. It makes me wonder why all decoders don’t use this idea to build up the make up key. It’s dead easy to use, a lot stronger than using pins, less fiddley and no grease is needed!

securefast decoder make up key

make up key 2

A brilliant tool, well thought out, very well manufactured and by far my favourite decoder I’ve ever used.

**************************************Updated 12/1/2015**************************************

Geriant from GJ Locks was kind enough to send me the new clicker lever reading tool so as promised here is a post update. The clicker arrived in the post this morning. I couldn’t wait to get it unpacked and have a look. Because I’ve bought and used GJ tools before I already know that they are absolutely bang on the money when it comes to quality so its actually quite exciting opening one of there tools as I’m always expecting it to be high spec and top quality and I’m also a complete geek who gets excited by stuff like that! So here is a picture of what I found inside.

Lever reader

As you can see from the picture it looks perfectly machined and manufactured. Whoever the engineer is who makes the tools for GJ he is a very talented guy.

So the clicker is dead simple to use, its simply a case of putting the tool in the lock and turning it to read the first lever by looking at the angle of the indicator which is the arm you see at the back of the tool in the picture, then with a small pull back on the tool you will feel a small click hence why the tool is known as a clicker. The click indicates the tool has adjusted by the thickness of a lever meaning when you put the tool back in the lock it will now be reading lever number two. You just repeat the process until all 5 levers have been read and then you are ready to build your key.

This is so much better than the original reader keys. With no practice at all i managed to use the clicker to decode three Securefast in a row today on the bench. All three locks decoded first time and I wasn’t even using a proper full size chart! I was just using the small diagram pictures which are in the lid of the decoder box. For anybody who has bought the original version of this tool which was supplied with reader keys then get yourself a clicker, you will find it so much easier to read and you will get a perfect read every time.

I liked it so much I threw my reader keys away and adapted my original box to fit the clicker in.

Lever reader 2

Securefast lock decoded

Download charts for old Securefast

Download charts for new Securefast

Watch The Video Tutorial Below


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