I was aware it had been a while since last making a post but I didn’t realise quite just how long it had been, nearly 3 months! I was looking back through some recent posts and although I think most posts have good content in them they are starting to get a bit same old same old, ie tool reviews, lock reviews ect and they do get a bit boring to write all the time and maybe a bit boring for the reader? Decided to just do a general rambling post this time about what’s been going on and what’s going on at the moment.
So the main reason for the lack of posts recently is that I started doing a bit of contract work for a company about a year ago (NOT A NATIONAL!) and now that’s turned into quite a lot of work which keeps me busy and some weeks keeps me busy all day every day. This particular locksmith company are amazing payers which lets face it is one of the most important things when working for any company. It does however mean some really long days and late finishes as I sometimes have to fit a job or two of my own in when I finish doing there work meaning some days are like 8am until 9pm non stop. Although sometimes I do try sub contract some of the work out to a locksmith in Hull to try and get finished a little bit earlier or if I have an emergency where the customer won’t wait.
I was thinking though the other day how doing a lot of contract work masks the fact that there are quiet times with private work, last week was a shocker with just 3 private jobs all week but as I was working through the week I didn’t really notice it because I was busy doing other things. It made me think though I have been around the trade my whole life with my dad been a locksmith and I’ve actually been in the trade doing the job for around 10 years and been self employed for 4 years, I’ve got brilliant Internet positions (at the moment!) both on Google Places page 1 and Google organic listing near the top of page 1. So if I can have a week with only 3 private jobs how do new start ups cope with the quiet weeks? I had a bit of an advantage in that respect as I already had contacts I had met previously that I could go to for sub contract work when I set up on my own.
Why is it as well that after making a decent size purchase or commitment (just got a new van) the work goes quiet! It happens every time lol. Just got settled into the new van although it was an easy transition from one van to another because it’s the exact same van just a brand new one so all the stock and racking just slotted into the same place it used to go. Although the new van seems to have eaten my Vectis decoder, can’t find it anywhere!
Hopefully private work will pick up again shortly and already this week is better than last week, also with the weather getting better there should be plenty of patio doors to open with keys being lost over the winter and then when summer properly kicks in there should be plenty of warped and twisted Upvc doors resulting in alignment jobs and mechanism failures.
Speaking of Google I’m sure most people will be aware of the Google changes in April either through an email from Google which was sent out about a month ago or because you have been bombarded by emails from digital marketing company’s who have all jumped on the band wagon? The change is set to roll out on the 21st April and will effect the rankings on mobile devices. With Google now claiming that the majority of searches are done on mobile devices it makes sense for those sites been displayed closer to the top to be mobile friendly websites which will create a better experience for the user. I’ve noticed that there are a few sites on page one in my area which aren’t mobile friendly so it will be interesting to see just how it effects them. If your site is not mobile friendly now is the time to get to work and start making changes! More info can be found here at Search Engine Land.
One thing I nearly forgot, I’ve been working on a new website for the Leeds area but again its been hard to find time lately, but its finally published. Its not my main website but is a little extra as every little helps to bring the work in, http://www.locksmithsleedsonline.co.uk take a look and let me know what you think in the comments below? It still needs some work but the main things are all complete and its mobile friendly ready for 21st April 2015.
Well that’s about it for this post I would be interested to hear in the comments below if you enjoyed it more than the normal tool and lock review type posts?
Hope everybody stays busy!! And if you haven’t already done so don’t forget to subscribe!